Note: To fully experience fluid gameplay, please download the game and play it on your computer.


This game is made for an Individual Game Jam project from my university's Game Development class. Though it's only worth 15% of the class' final score, I thought that I would give it my all in developing this game.

This game is about shopping in a supermarket, thus the name 'jajan' (means shopping in Bahasa Indonesia). The player has to buy the required items on time in order to win and get coins. This game has fully randomized map where shelves, quantity of shelves, and obstacles are always randomized in each run, offering a dynamic gameplay.

I wanted to implement a dialog mechanism where the player got the required item list from their mom, but I didn't have the time for that.


W - Move up
A - Move left
S - Move down
D - Move right
Shift - Sprint
E/Space - Interact (Open shelf/cashier)


On this Individual Game Jam project, students are required to implement three diversifiers to make their game unique. I have chosen these three diversifiers below:

Alice in Borderland

There are two collectibles on the map to make the gameplay easier. One is to give the player infinite stamina for 10 seconds, the other is to give the player 20 seconds of extra time.

Trade Offer

There is a shop system, where players could spend their earned coins to upgrade their stats. They could increase their max stamina, max carry weight, and move speed.

BOTW Clone

A stamina bar is implemented to track the current stamina the player has. If the player spent all their stamina in one go, they would need to wait for some time to regenerate back their spent stamina.



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